
Prepare for your return to sport after an injury

[ad_1] Sports practice carries a risk of injury, which can be high depending on the sport. Even a seasoned...

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how to get started? Stay motivated?

[ad_1] New years, new resolutions! And in the top 3, as always, we find there : get into sport...

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Discovery: stand up paddle

[ad_1] A water sport in vogue in recent years, stand up paddleboarding was born several decades ago. Often confused...

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The adjustable dumbbell, the ultimate home gym accessory

[ad_1] Since the health crisis, there has been an explosion in the practice of sport at home. However, the...

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Swimming and back pain, benefits and risks

[ad_1] You probably know it, but I love swimming! I have been practicing since the age of 6 at...

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10 top tips for starting sports at home

[ad_1] The practice of sport is undermined because of the health crisis. However, sport is essential for our balance...

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How to stand up straight? Anti back pain tips and exercises

[ad_1] The back pain and the position of our body are intimately linked. But having the right posture, whether...

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How to use an elliptical trainer to lose weight?

[ad_1] The elliptical trainer is an effective tool that allows you to lose weight effectively. What will follow will...

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Find the right sports diet for you

[ad_1] All athletes know it: to have convincing results, you have to know how to target your goals, have...

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Starting yoga: my tips and advice

[ad_1] If you want to start yoga but don’t know how to go about it, this article is for...

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