Month: March 2022


How to lose thighs? Exercises, Tips & Nutrition

[ad_1] Who says sunny days also says: lighter outfits. Hello shorts and mini-skirts! And a lot of times it...

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risks, exercises & reasons to warm up

[ad_1] Warming up for a run or run is extremely important and unfortunately often underestimated! It is however necessary...

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Sciatique : Douleurs, Solution et Prévention

[ad_1] Vous avez mal dans la fesse ou l’arrière de la jambe, c’est peut -être une sciatique. Une compression...

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What type of training and what diet should footballers follow during their career?

[ad_1] Becoming a professional footballer, of course, requires talent. But also to follow an iron discipline! If the life...

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Exercises for thin and toned arms

[ad_1] Oh the arms… A particularly sensitive subject that gives a lot of women a hard time! Some are...

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Agir sur la douleur et comprendre !

[ad_1] Les maux de dos touchent 8 français sur 10. Classés dans la grande famille des lombalgies, ils sont...

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How to progress in running? My key tips!

[ad_1] Whatever your level, wanting to progress in your sports performance is very important and is often one of...

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How to lose arm weight? Sports, exercises and received ideas

[ad_1] The fat that is stored in the arms can be a real complex. We would like to have...

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