There are avid runners in our community. Whether you run for fun, to lose weight or to train for marathons, you may have heard of the negative split method and would like to know more about it.
So why and how to accelerate in the last meters or the last kilometers of his race? What training to do to achieve this “miracle” without ending up on the finish line on your knees and spitting your lungs out? I explain everything in this new article!
What is the negative split?
What is called the negative split is the fact of running the second part of your race faster than the first.
Said like that, it sounds pretty simple. Indeed, if you compete, all participants know how to manage their form.
At the beginning, you feel strong and brave and you think you can easily accelerate.
However :
And in these cases, it is difficult to run faster…
If you are new to running and you are already interested in this method, I advise you to progress in running before trying it!
The negative splits are quite demandinga certain practice and a good mastery of certain parameters are essential not to be disgusted with this practice which has many positive points!
Start the race more gently

A technique that would therefore consist in starting the race at a pace that does not make us draw on our reserves. It is then necessary to run more slowly than our objective (about 2%) in order to arrive halfway in shape, and to still have the strength to accelerate.
To succeed in run faster during the second part of your race, prepare yourself mentally. Keep in mind that your run won’t really start until after the first half.
Accelerate in negative split
What I can advise is to speed up when you’ve reached a running pace you’re comfortable with.
Listen to your body and see if you can run faster. If you don’t, that doesn’t mean you can’t do a negative split, it just means you started your run too quickly.
If you are used to running on a daily basis, try to test the method in the last kilometers of your outing. When you do your first negative split, don’t speed up while you’re still far from the finish line.
Rather start when you are not too far from the end of your course, then start earlier and earlier in your subsequent runs. You will thus gain experience and physical condition without getting discouraged, tired or disgusted with this training.
How to run faster? By practicing ! It is the practice of running that will allow you to accelerate little by little.
Test out different starting gaits, and see which one you’re most comfortable accelerating with.
The negative split in the last kilometers
Well, I think you have understood it at this stage of the article, if you are used to running 10 km, it is not a question of accelerating on the last 300 meters of your race, but of course the last kilometers. Instead, aim for the last 2 or 5 kilometers (to be adapted of course to the total distance you cover).
If you respect the two previous points, you should succeed, with time and experience, in doing great things. I know you can do it!
Not only will you avoid potential muscle and joint injuries, but the warm-up will also help you improve your performance and your sensations. And that’s exactly what we’re looking for with negative splits.
Why train in negative split?

Running in negative split involves getting to know yourself well and knowing how to manage your running pace. If you are not comfortable with this part, and you spend your time looking at your watch to best adjust your pace to your race time, it is better to put this idea off until later.
Because you will lose energy, which will ultimately cause you to lose benefits of the negative split.
On the other hand, if you know how to manage your running pace, you can take advantage of its various advantages:
How to train with this method?
Prepare yourself during your workouts. It’s not about changing everything, but about making some adjustments that will cause you to compete in negative split.
Insert quality work at the end of the course
You will struggle to achieve volume and quality in the same running session. It will take too much of your energy.
On the other hand, you can run 10-15 minute segments at marathon pace (or a bit faster than your normal race pace if you’re not racing) in the second part of your run.
This gets your body used to accelerating as it begins to feel some fatigue.
Opt for progressive interval training
It’s about getting your brain used to speeding up. As the acceleration must be done in a frank way, it is good to train with split sessions.
My advice: perform fractions at marathon pace in the same session, before moving to a half-marathon pace, and finally finishing at a speed of around 10 km.
Competition and negative split, what to expect?
If you can train like this article, you should be able to get better times.
Experts know: it is in the last meters, even in the last kilometers, that everything is decided. The seconds, minutes and places gained are above all in the mind and in the last acceleration. Now is the time to go!
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