During the day, your back is put to the test. Between bad postures, bags that are too heavy, standing huddled up in transport, etc. There are many opportunities to hurt your back.
And back pain is also one of the ailments that affect you the most. Fortunately, the practice of physical activity reduces and prevents back pain.
Being a gentle activity, yoga is ideal for avoiding back pain. Discover in this article the best yoga positions against back pain.
Why do yoga when you have back pain?
There are many reasons why starting yoga is beneficial for the body. And back problems are one of them.
There are many causes of back pain:
Yoga is a physical practice that works on your flexibility, your muscle tone and teaches you how to control your stress. Unlike other sporting activities, yoga for back pain intervenes on several points :
The beauty of yoga is that it stretches and builds muscle at the same time.
Because when you have back pain, you should not ONLY stretch the muscles of the back and around it. It is especially necessary to strengthen all the postural muscles and the superficial muscles around the back: glutes, thighs, abdominals…
Let yourself be tempted by Yoga or the anti-back pain program
Rather Yoga to relieve the back, stretch and tone up? Or the special anti-back pain program to relieve yourself and avoid pain?
2 postures to relieve the lower back
Lumbar pain, or pain in the lower back, is located at the level of the 5 lumbar vertebrae and can be chronic or occasional. To relieve them, here are some back stretching exercises:
child’s posture
The child posture is to be carried out in case of chronic or intense punctual pain. This posture is easy to reproduce and stretches the muscles of the lumbar area while relieving pain.
- Start on your knees (those slightly apart) with the buttocks touching the heels;
- Lay your bust on your legs so that your head touches the ground;
- Extend your arms forward.
Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Straighten up by gently unrolling your back. Repeat several times.
Bend your knees over your chest
This special lower back yoga is ideal for combating occasional or chronic lower back pain. Practiced regularly, this posture makes it possible to relieve tension in the lower back.
- Lie on your back;
- Hold your knees bent against your chest;
- Stay at least 30 seconds in this position;
- Breathe deeply ;
- Return to your original position by very gently straightening your knees.
Repeat the exercise five times.
2 postures to relieve the upper back
Upper back pain makes it uncomfortable to perform various movements. For regain more autonomyhere are different postures that are easy to adopt:
The eagle posture
The position of the eagle is a great yoga classic for back pain and especially the muscles of the upper back.
- Stand upright with your arms along your body;
- Then take support on your half-flexed right leg;
- Wrap your left leg around your right leg, sliding your left foot behind the right calf. If this balance is too hard to hold, stand as normal.
- Wrap your right arm under your left arm and join your palms together. Raise your elbows slightly and breathe with your head straight.
Hold this position with your back straight for 10 to 20 seconds.
Shoulder rotations
Easy to perform shoulder rotations relieve knotted trapezius. Just roll your shoulders back and forth, and vice versa.
Do 3 sets of 10 30-second rotations every day.
2 postures to relieve cervical pain
Yoga for back pain also relieves neck pain. It helps prevent chronic neck pain. Here are some of the positions that are easy to learn and that will give you quick relief:
stork posture
The stork pose is a yoga pose with forward bending. Its objective is to gently unroll the spine towards the ground. This back yoga exercise helps relieve tension in the shoulders and neck.
To perform it, you must stand up and join your feet under your hips, your arms along your body.
- Then stretch your body upwards and breathe calmly in this position;
- gradually fold your upper body forward while keeping your knees slightly bent;
- lower your hands to the floor while resting them on your legs or on the floor;
- tuck your chin towards your chest and let your neck and head hang down;
- Gently shake your head back and forth, left to right, and vice versa, and make very small circles. This will relieve tension in the shoulders and neck,
Stay like this for at least 1 minute, breathing very deeply.
Warrior Pose II
The Warrior Pose II is a yoga posture for the back that allows stretch the body and tone the back. It opens the chest, consolidates the shoulders and strengthens the neck.
To make it:
- Stand up and take a big step forward with your right foot;
- Then bend the right knee so as to make a lunge;
- Make sure the inside of your left foot is aligned with your right, as well as your pelvis and chest;
- Bring your hands together above your head, then lower your arms in line with your right leg.
Stay in this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing calmly, repeat the same exercise on the opposite side.
2 postures to relieve sciatica
Sciatica is pain that starts in the lower back or buttocks and runs down the leg to the toes. It is a pain that can quickly become debilitating. Here are some yoga poses for back pain that can help soothe your sciatica.
stretching the pyramidal muscle
The piriformis muscle, also called the pyramidal muscle, starts from the sacrum, passes through the buttock and lands at the level of the femur. The pyramid stretch strengthens and stretches the piriformis muscle.
To do this pose:
- Start in a lying position with your knees bent;
- Rest your right ankle on your left knee;
- In this position, pass your hands behind your left thigh, so as to bring your legs towards your chest;
- You should feel a slight stretch in your right buttock; You can arch your back a little bit to feel the stretch more.
- Do the same movement with your left ankle on your right knee.
Take 5 to 10 deep breaths before doing the same exercise on the other side.
The psoas stretch
The psoas is a muscle that starts from the lower back and extends to the front of the thigh. It lies on each side of the lumbar vertebrae and avoids lumbar blockslumbago and low back pain causing sciatic pain.
To perform the psoas stretch:
- Put yourself in the position of the knight: position your knee on the ground behind, and the other leg in support on the foot;
- Straighten your bust;
- Keeping your back straight, push your pelvis forward until you feel a stretch.
Stay like this for 20 seconds and then repeat the exercise at least 3 times on each side.
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