the steps for the recovery!


Whatever the reasons that led you to stop running, do you want to get back to it? But you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, nothing more normal!

Running is not as easy as it sounds. That said, by following a few simple steps, you should quickly regain good performance without risking injury.

What are the steps to start running again?

Whether it is to start running or to resume it, the advice is practically similar except for a few nuances. The important thing will above all be totake the right steps and go gradually. So we avoid being impatient and we take care of ourselves and our body above all.

Do a medical check-up if in doubt

It is not uncommon to want start running after any accidental injury or cut. That said, it is particularly in these moments that you have to be the most vigilant!

Your body remains fragile and no longer has the same physical condition. This is why it is essential to do a complete check-up before a regular recovery.

Then, if you’re considered fit, don’t pull the rope too hard. Take it easy. Don’t hesitate to alternate walking with running and to relearn the right positions and good postures.

Don’t be ashamed to go back to basics ! On the contrary, you will preserve yourself from new injuries.

If the cause is other than the injury, such as the end of pregnancy or an overweight problem, you will have to be extra vigilant. Follow the instructions provided by your doctor carefully.

Slowly resume running

steps recovery race how to do

Very well, you have the approval of your attending physician for you. get back into runningit’s a good start.

Now, we will have to be reasonable and go about it gradually. I know, it’s not easy, especially when you’re used to running and you already have a certain level, but it’s absolutely essential.

The goal is to gradually readapt your body to the effort. Indeed, your muscles have changed, they may no longer be as enduring, your joints and ligaments will need to be more warmed up before running. It can be frustrating because you remember old races, feelings and performances, but you have to allow time for the body and muscle memory to kick in.

For this, it is important to plan your sessions well. Of course, we will have to construct a program adapted to your level current.

My personal opinion is that whatever program you decide to follow, it will have to take into account all of the following elements:

  • muscle building : strengthening your muscles protects them from injury and improves their performance;
  • Split runs : you will gain in explosiveness to improve your endurance;
  • Long runs : you will work your breath and your heart to accustom them to long distances;
  • Stretching sessions : thanks to this, we allow the muscles to relax and become more flexible.

In short, if you want get back to running, do it gradually. Be careful, this means not running every day (we see you impatient). Go at your own pace and plan a varied program that will fully work your muscles and joints.

Hydrate from the first 10 minutes

hydration run resume jogging

You can experience slight dehydration from the first 10 minutes of a run. It’s very fast. So imagine what it can look like over 20, 30 or 40 minutes.

You already know this, but hydration is not a factor to be taken lightly. The ideal is to drink before, during and after the run. A little all the time, to be honest. No need to fill the stomach, a few regular sips are enough to compensate for the loss of water in the body.

Take a good pair of shoes

After a fairly long break, you have to wonder about the quality of your running shoes.

  • Are they still good for my level?
  • Have I already run too much with it?
  • Are they made for my foot?

The shoes are the most important. It is even the essential equipment when you want to go running. It is necessary to wear good shoes to protect your body from injuries, but also to ensure good performance.

In short, to enjoy all the benefits of running while avoiding the inconveniences. The goal is simple: you must feel like in slippers. If not, you haven’t found the right pair. If you resume running and you were a beginner, I recommend my video:

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends wearing fairly thin running shoes, with minimal drop (height between the heel and the front of the foot).

All their recommendations are worth reading here (in English); and it’s quite the opposite of anything commercially recommended. Indeed, pronation is completely normal when walking and running, it should not be corrected because it provides natural shock absorption.

The most important thing is to strengthen the feet, ankles and entire legs to run well.

If you have been prescribed insoles for running, they should not be worn for more than 8 weeks, while your foot and your posture are re-muscled thanks to specific exercises.

In summary

The current trend towards ever more cushioning, ever thicker and “corrective” shoes is heresy and distorts the biomechanics of running.

I strongly encourage you to make a smooth transition to zero drop with very wide toe box shoes. This is the width of the front of the foot, which lets the toes crash well into the sides.

You will then have to remember to change your running shoes regularly, ideally every 600 km.

Learn the basics of running

Learn or relearn the basics of running in order to quickly find good sensations and pleasure during your run!

Be positive and stay motivated

When we get back to running, there is often a regression in its performance. And that’s completely normal. The most important thing in these cases is to stay motivated.

Your body hasn’t trained for a long time, be lenient with it. Take it step by step and congratulate yourself with each victory, each progress.

motivation to run again

Whatever your goal, plan for the long term and enjoy every run, even if you’re not feeling your best.

Often it is the cardio that fishes the most. So be aware and be happy to re-train your heart and lungs for the effort.

This is the only way you can progress in running. But do not worry about it, with a little time, you will regain all your abilities. Don’t underestimate the power of muscle memory.

Over the first few months, you will see marked improvements, especially if you are motivated and follow your training!

Plan your runs according to your objectives

Each objective will require a specific training. For this, it is essential to create a program built and tailored to yours.

For example, when you want to run to lose weight, there’s no point in running 10 km every day. It’s even completely counterproductive. Instead, vary the workouts with long outings and interval training.

Add to that muscle strengthening and stretching sessions and you will see very good results without making the discipline a physical and mental torture.

What program to resume running

The most important thing during a recovery is to go gradually (I’ll say it again because it’s super important). We leave aside the numbers and focus on the fundamentals of the race.

We get back to the basics which you surely already know and we make sure to adopt a good position during the run.

This is essential to avoid (re)injuring yourself. Here are some golden rules for a good recovery:

  • Avoid starting with too intense workouts : Let your body wake up from this break. Don’t look for performance or speed right away, but rather for sensations;
  • Focus on your posture : in recovery, it is possible to have lost good habits. So stay focused to keep your neck and back straight, elbows back and abs well engaged;
  • Favor flat land : uneven terrain is much better for running, but not necessarily from the first run. Gradually reaccustom your ankles to running before putting too much strain on them on uneven paths;
  • Pay more attention to recovery : whatever the level, rest is essential, but even more during a recovery. Take the time to stretch and do not hesitate to integrate a small massage routine;
  • warm up : it is absolutely essential before each run. In addition to preserving your muscles and joints, the running warm-up will allow you to improve your performance more quickly.

Sample Program for Resuming Injury Running

First week :

2 sessions (Monday and Thursday for example) to know your new limits, take the time to warm up well before starting, stretch and rest well.

We rediscover ourselves slowly, we revive the body and we reaccustom it by alternating running and walking if it’s too hard. Sessions of 20-30 min are already very good.

second week :

2 sessions, we continue to always warm up well, and we will try to run longer, without walking and see how long we can hold out.

This allows us to have our first base for progress. Same: 30 min should already be enough.

Third week :

we try to keep the same rhythm as the second. Do not necessarily try to do more but rather to do it better. We think of his posture of feet, of bust, his breathing, his feelings.

The goal is to get back to good habits and then be able to increase your performance without risk or injury. It is better to accelerate with a good running position and then walk to recover your cardio; that force 40 min while collapsing in the posture.

If you are returning to running and are at a very beginner level, add weeks to get used to running. Once you have recovered well, consider doing muscle strengthening, endurance sessions, speed, etc.

To change training, keep fun and not let your body get used to it!

Ready to get back to running?


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