Becoming a professional footballer, of course, requires talent. But also to follow an iron discipline! If the life of star footballers, between glitter and luxurious villas, often makes us dream, we must know that it is also accompanied by strict constraints. So, what does the daily life of a footballer look like? What sports and food routine should he follow? We tell you everything.
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A very controlled daily life
The days of footballers are busy, and above all, perfectly timed. Indeed, the preparation of top-level athletes does not leave no room for relaxation. Their routine is therefore above all made up of many prohibitions: out of the question, for example, to party when a match approaches! The daily life of footballers is meticulous, including in private, in order to maintain optimal physical shape. We see it with this report proposing a day in the footsteps of Jordan Amavi, for example. Moreover, the private life of footballers is generally greatly impacted by their profession: repeated trips, matches in the middle of the weekend and paparazzi also calibrate their daily lives.
What does a typical day for a footballer look like?
So, how is the day of a footballer organized ? I’coaching is of course the key moment in their schedule. But the sleep occupies an equally important place. In addition, time is given to medical and physical cares, as well as the social life within the team, in order to reinforce the cohesion between the players.
AT Clairefontaine, for example, the Blues receive a personalized schedule every day. The day begins with breakfast, which must be taken before 10 a.m.… and without a mobile phone! The morning and the end of the day are devoted to care or at theindoor physical exercise. From medical check-ups sold out are also regularly organized in these slots. Lunch is taken as a group, and followed by a good nap. Finally, then comes the long-awaited moment of training. In the evening, the Blues have free time, or almost, since bedtime is imposed, and alcohol is prohibited. In addition, this program is sometimes supplemented by interviews and other actions of communication.
What diet do footballers follow?
To maintain his physical condition, a footballer needs a high caloric intake, around 3000 calories per day. But it is out of the question, of course, to binge thoughtlessly. Snacking and other bad eating habits are prohibited and meals must be balanced and regular. In addition, footballers must to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.
Contrary to popular belief, the contribution of protein great athletes must be reasonable. The good part is rather given to carbohydrates, which will give them energy over time, and represent half of their caloric intake. Furthermore, the fats are indeed present in the diet of footballers, and constitute up to a third of the caloric intake. But then, what is the real key to their diet? The diversity ! Meat, fish or eggs, cereals or legumes, vegetable or animal fats, are thus consumed alternately.
What does the training of professional footballers consist of?
The workouts are a clever mix of individual and collective practice, aimed at both refining players’ technique and developing group strategies. They do work as wellphysical endurance that the technical finesse players. To do this, each coach designs tailor-made exercises for his players.
Take the example of Manchester Cityannounced as a favorite in this Champions League winner odds article. The team coach, Pep Guardiola, does not hesitate to develop particularly complete circuits to make players work in groups. Jumping hurdles, not chasing or running upside down complete the classic passes and shots in order to work on coordination.
An ambitious training program, combined with iron discipline, but also great group cohesion: this is the key to success for footballers!
Cover photo credit: phillipkofler via Pixabay
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